Legal Notice and data privacy statement


The content published on is the property of RENTISTRA and may be used for non-commercial purposes only. It is strictly prohibited to copy, broadcast, or distribute the content in any way without the prior written permission of RENTISTRA.

RENTISTRA accept no liability for the occasional unavailability of the website, or for any potential inaccuracies or incompleteness of information on the website that may cause damage or inconvenience to users.

RENTISTRA reserve the right to change the content published on without prior notice.

On certain pages of the website, RENTISTRA collect personal data from users (such as name, surname, agddress, phone number, email address, and credit card details). Users are informed of this in advance and provide their data on a voluntary basis. Vario d.o.o. and Irena Fonda guarantees that any data collected in this manner will be used solely by Irena Fonda and will not be shared with third parties or misused in any other way.

 For convenience, certain pages or sub-pages of the website may, for the purpose of providing comprehensive tourist information, contain links to various external addresses, such as other websites, individual pages or other resources. We accept no responsibility for access, content or errors in external links, nor may users of the website assume that the websites on external links adhere to the same principles of respecting privacy and personal data protection as those followed by RENTISTRA, who accept no liability whatsoever related to visiting and using linked websites.

Please note that the photographs used on the website are for illustration purposes only and do not necessarily depict the rental properties available on our website. These images showcase the picturesque Istrian scenery and may not be directly related to the properties available for rent.

Design: B. Balant. Photography: J. Kavčnik, A. Hodalič, N. Jurjak, Merlo, D. Banko, M. Cvetojević, A. Tegethoff.


RENTISTRA shall process and use personal data such as (but not limited to) name, lastname, e-mail, phone number, country only in the case the customer discloses them by choice. Such data is necessary in order to process the booking transaction or to process customers’ requests or complaints and shall not be used for any other purposes.

  1. Any personal data which shall be used for statistical analysis shall be anonymised.

  2. Customers who accept this will also receive newsletters.

  3. RENTISTRA will not share customers’ personal data with others without customers’ explicit prior consent. However this does not apply to RENTISTRA service partners or subcontractors which are under confidential contractual relationship with RENTISTRA in order to provide or handle supporting services to RENTISTRA (i.e. product delivery, IT support services, booking).

  4. Responsible person for survey, processing and use of personal data is: Vario d.o.o., Trogovača 3, 52470 Umag, Croatia, EU. All questions regarding survey, authorisation, blocking or erasing data or other information related to the use of personal data on RENTISTRA website shall be addresses to the responsible person.

  5. Using a commercially reasonable level of skill and care and taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing of personal data, RENTISTRA shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security which is in conformity with the generally accepted industry standards and in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and other applicable legislation to which RENTISTRA is subject.

  6. RENTISTRA uses cookies to enable certain functions for RENTISTRA website in particular enabling it to recognise a customer and respond appropriately. Cookies are files which are stored and saved on customer's computer or mobile device. Cookies are not used for personal identification and do not retrieve any other information from customer’s computer, pass on viruses or capture user’s e-mail address.

  7. This is the list of cookies used on RENTISTRA website:

    Cookie; Session; Prevents cross-site request forgery (CSRF). CSRF is an attack vector that tricks a browser into taking unwanted action in an application when someone’s logged in.

    Cookie; 30 minutes; Prevents redirect loops if a site has custom URL redirects. Redirect loops are bad for SEO.


    Cookie; Session; Prevents the password-protected screen from displaying if a visitor enters the correct site-wide password.

    Cookie; 3 years; Identifies a visitor who logs into a customer account

    Cookie; 3 years; Authenticates a visitor who logs into a customer account

    sessionstorage; Session; Stores state of checkout while the visitor is completing their order in PayPal

    localstorage; Persistent; Prevents the Promotional Pop-Up from displaying if a visitor dismisses it

    localstorage; Persistent; Prevents the Announcement Bar from displaying if a visitor dismisses it

    Cookie; Session; Ensures that visitors on the Squarespace 5 platform remain authenticated during their sessions.

    Cookie; Session; Investigates if the browser supports cookies and prevents errors.

    localstorage; Persistent; Shows when you've already "liked" a blog post.

    Cookie; Session, Identifies the correct site for checkout when Checkout on Your Domain is disabled.

    Analytics and Performance Cookies:

    2 years; Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

    2 years; Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

    30 minutes; Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

    30 minutes; Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

    2 years; Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

    30 days; Remembers if a visitor agreed to placing Analytics cookies on their browser if a site is restricting the placement of cookie

  8. To use RENTISTRA website efficiently, customers are recommended to accept cookies. If customers refuse cookies the functioning of RENTISTRA website may be restricted. Customers who do not accept cookies, should revoke their acceptance on the links above.

  9. RENTISTRA relies on Google Analytics by Google Inc. and analytic tools provided by Squarespace platform to analyze website use. Customers can block cookies for Google Analytics by installing the opt-out plugin from: